28 June 2008

How To Promote Your Products and Profit Massively from Them. Part 1

So you have created that product and are sure it is a winner but you do not know how to go about getting it in public glare because of the fact that you are short on cash and are on a very tight budget.

We can agree that product promotion is one of the toughest nuts to crack online. Many people have rolled out wonderful products and services but never saw it take off like they thought it would because they either did not do their research properly before launching the product or they do not have adequate information with regards to product marketing.

There are various methods that are involved in promoting your products. While some of them entail spending money, others entail using your head to think out what steps to take and what to do.

1. If you have a list(s), send an email to them announcing the launch of your products and services.

If you have been able to sell to their lists, you should by now, be able to identify which lists and subscribers are always ready buyers. Hence, it is important that you separate the consistent buyers from the others.

These are the first people you want to send an email to as they are always willing to buy from you. Then, you can then send to the other subscribers on the list. This creates a buzz.

If you do not know how to separate the buyers from the other subscribers, simply look at the history of payments compiled by your payment processors and separate them from the others.

There are softwares that you can use in comparing both lists so that you delete their names and emails from the list of those who are not consistent buyers.

2. Get in touch with your joint venture partners. These partners are extremely important in the success of any business particularly when it is online.

You have people who have highly populated lists of over 30,000. If you do business with just 10 like that, it will start a steady traffic that may culminate in over three hundred thousand visitors in a space of just one week.

If you are new to joint venturing, it would be best that you offer those you want to joint venture with a larger share of the sales which could sometimes be as much as 90%.

Don’t be scared of this figure, as you’ll recoup it in the long term. All you need do is make sure that so many of the subscribers subscribe to your ezine, ecourse or newsletter. This would give you the opportunity to make money from them later on.

The reason this method is effective is because of the level of trust your subscribers have for the person you want to joint venture with. In short, what you have is a ready crowd of people willing to buy from you as long you come through the person they know.

It is like when a relative of your uses a particular product that is highly beneficial. If she recommended the product to you, there is a higher tendency that you’ll buy because you have seen the results and trust what she is saying.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

27 June 2008

3 Ways to Generate more Profits From Your Subscribers

It is easy to make money from your subscribers. Unfortunately, lots of email marketers are not getting much response.

The number one question asked by most email marketers is “How do I get more response from my lists?”

This question is about the easiest solved. It is just that people are always looking for the harder ways because they think “the harder the technique, the more profits I’ll make”. Wrong. Remember Occam’s razor? You would if you have read the One Minute Millionaire by Robert. G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen.

It simply states that when you have varying solutions to a problem, the simplest solution is always the best. This is simple isn’t it? But most people think it is not possible. So they keep searching for the wrong solutions.

In this article, I’ll explain three simple steps that will increase the profits you make from your list(s).

1. Provide value. Don’t give your subscribers trash. Provide them with high quality content. The reason they subscribed to you is because you know something they don’t and they want to benefit from that. So, fill their needs.

While it is good to have a guest writer occasionally, let your voice be heard. Let people realise the import of what they are learning from you. Give them YOUR own tips, YOUR own advice. You have experience. Share it with them.

Make sure your content is practical. Think “what do I want them to do after reading this?” Your subscribers should be able to come away from the computer thinking about what you said and the possible applications.

If you keep offering them quality content, you are bound to have them waiting for your next edition. The reason subscribers unsubscribe from any list is because they are not getting any value from the marketer. So make it an important factor in your marketing.

You don’t have to send them emails daily. If you do it biweekly, weekly or monthly and offer high quality content, you are bound to get astonishing results.

2. Check to see if your subscribers get your mails. This can be done though it might entail an amount of work.

Simply send them an email and tell them to hit the reply button if they got the mail. This would give you an idea of how many are getting your mails compared to the number of people you sent it to. The idea behind this is simple.

Most marketers miss out a lot on the email campaigns because their subscribers are not getting their mails and therefore, they cannot make any money.

It is amazing but statistics have shown that about 10% of the total number of people on your list gets your mails. That leaves out 90%! Gross isn’t it?

3. Send offers. Obvious technique; few practitioners.

Marketers are usually scared they will lose their subscribers if they send them offers. Wrong. They subscribed because they felt they could get high value from you and trust you over time. If they can trust you, then it means you can provide them with high quality resources.

Over 90% are not exploring this avenue. So, if you want to increase your income, explore this avenue. This will put you on the top moneymaking 10%.

Let’s recap:

1. Provide value
2. Check to see they got our mails
3. Send them genuine practicable offers.

Practice these three techniques, and you are bound to smile more frequently to the bank.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

25 June 2008

7 Ways To Generate Free Website Traffic

Generating free traffic is not always the impossible
feat that it is made out to be. In fact, there are
many different ways in which you can generate free
traffic. Some are better than others; and some are
especially effective in some niches, but not in
others. Below, I've listed seven such methods:

1. Write articles and submit them to directories.
Include a link in your resource box that points to
your site. This will generate traffic and click
throughs long after you publish it.

2. Add “keyword” pages to your site. You can do this
by writing articles that are focused around a certain
keyword and then simply uploading them to your site.
When your site is indexed by the search engines,
traffic will pick up for those keywords.

3. Begin finding link partners and exchanging links.
This will not only get you direct click through
traffic from other sites, but it will also get you
search engine traffic once those sites are indexed and
your site is given credit for the inbound links.

4. Create a high-quality flash video or real life
video; add it to a page on your site. Post that video
on You Tube, Break.com, and on all social bookmarking
sites, such as http://del.icio.us, and
http://www.technorati.com. If your video is
exceptionally funny or interesting, people will begin
to circulate your video around the Internet. Remember
to include the URL of your site in the video, so
viewers can figure out how to find your products.

5. Create a free report on a specific subject related
to your business. In that report, include a link to
your site (preferably a newsletter opt-in form) every
few pages. Take that report and give it away for free
to every site owner in your niche. If you have a link
to one of your products in that report, allow the site
owner to rebrand it. That will make him much more
likely to redistribute it.

6. Post regularly on forums related to your site.
This is perhaps the easiest and quickest way to
generate traffic. All it entails is creating an
account on several good forums, making useful and
interesting posts, and then including a signature file
that allows readers to click through to your site.

7. Post free ads in places that actually get traffic.
Using “free ad forums” may be a waste of time in many
instances; however, bulletin boards that get traffic,
but allow free advertisement, may be a good place to

If your current advertising budget is higher than
you'd like, you should consider using free advertising.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

10 June 2008

10 Reasons Not To Go Into The "Make Money Market"

There are a number good reasons why you should not go
into the “make money” market. Below, I will give you
ten of the more important reasons.

1. Your competition is highly skilled. If you think it
is easy to compete in the “make money” market, think
again. Your competition has mastered the art of
selling, which means he or she will be an extremely
tough competitor.

2. Other markets offer less resistance. The “make
money” market is highly oversatured with sellers. For
this reason, it is tough to claim decent positions on
search engines. This is not so with all niches.

3. The learning curve is high if you're inexperienced
selling “make money” products. Since your ability to
train people to sell will be directly dependent on
your ability to sell to them, many people will be
reluctant to buy from you unless your presentation is
far beyond average.

4. Even if you sell within the “make money” market,
your target audience should be small, not large. You
want to find a specific group that can be matched to a
specific product you will produce or have already

5. Other products are easier to market. When it comes
down to it, people are highly suspicious of any type
of “make money” product or service. If you're selling
something else to them, chances are that they will be
considerably less likely to worry that you are trying
to rip them off.

6. Buyers in the “make money” market may be more
likely to return products, as they perceive sellers to
have tricked them if they do not succeed in making
money with the product (which they usually don't, no
matter how good it is).

7. Buyers wont judge your product on how it “should
be” presented according to protocol that is normally
used for “make money” products. Instead, they will
look at the list of features you have provided.

8. You're better off in the long run if you pursue a
field in which you are interested, rather than simply
a “make money” field. If you don't have any serious
interest in your product, you will more than likely do
a poor job creating and marketin it.

9.Other markets can often be more profitable. Even
though you've heard about those million dollar days,
there are other industries which can be just as
profitable, provided that you spend the time to select
the right one and to cultivate profits.

10. If you don't have a background in “making money”
with some specific system, you may be better off
creating a book or product on some area in which you
have specific expertise.

To reiterate, there are many business models you can
create; however, a business model that caters to the
“make money” crowd is almost always a mistake.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

07 June 2008

How To Write Powerful Sales Headlines

The most important part of any sales letter is the
sales headline. You can have the best testimonials,
the best income statements, and the best sales copy
known to man, but none of this will matter if visitors
aren't convinced and intrigued by your headline; and
simply click off of your sales letter, instead of
reading on to learn more.

For this reason, it is absolutely imperative that you
learn how to write powerful sales headlines if you
want to round out a powerful sales letter.

So what does a powerful sales headline include?

A powerful sales headline must include a number of
different “psychological triggers.” These are words
that have been proven time and time again to stir up
emotion by triggering some widely-attached connotation
to a word or phrase. “Free,” “shocking,”
“scientifically proven,” “powerful,” and “secret” are
all examples of psychological triggers. Including at
least a few in your headline will catch readers' eyes,
even if they're only skimming initially.

Now, in addition to including psychological triggers,
you will want to make sure that you have some type of
interesting conceptual hook in your sales headline.
For instance, if there is some specific feature of
your product that no other sellers in your market
offer, you will want to make sure that you work that
into your headline.

You will also want to find some way you can intrigue
people into reading more, even beyond conveying a
point of interest, couched in psychological triggers.
For instance, you may want to say something mysterious
or make some bold claim. This will bait people to read
more, if only to find out if you're serious or gimmicky.

Remember, too, to keep in mind that your headline
will need to match up with the rest of your sales
letter. Don't simply make a claim in your sales
headline and then slowly diminish it over the course
of your sales letter. Instead, find some way in which
you can make a powerful headline that matches up with
the content that is about to follow. One way in which
you can do this is to setup a pyramidal structure for
your sales letter. Start off with your most powerful
point in your headline – and then slowly scale down,
including points that are of less interest. Those who
have the least resistance to buying will purchase
instantly; those who have more resistance will
probably need to go through all of the points.

Last, when writing powerful headlines, always
remember to test before launches to determine which
headline works best. You can do this by creating two
sales pages and testing the conversion rate with a pay
per click campaign. Remember to only change one word
or one phrase at a time, so you can clearly identify
what increases or decreases your conversion rate.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com