28 May 2008

10 Reasons Not To Go Into The Money Making Market

There are a number good reasons why you should not go
into the “make money” market. Below, I will give you
ten of the more important reasons.

1. Your competition is highly skilled. If you think it
is easy to compete in the “make money” market, think
again. Your competition has mastered the art of
selling, which means he or she will be an extremely
tough competitor.

2. Other markets offer less resistance. The “make
money” market is highly oversatured with sellers. For
this reason, it is tough to claim decent positions on
search engines. This is not so with all niches.

3. The learning curve is high if you're inexperienced
selling “make money” products. Since your ability to
train people to sell will be directly dependent on
your ability to sell to them, many people will be
reluctant to buy from you unless your presentation is
far beyond average.

4. Even if you sell within the “make money” market,
your target audience should be small, not large. You
want to find a specific group that can be matched to a
specific product you will produce or have already

5. Other products are easier to market. When it comes
down to it, people are highly suspicious of any type
of “make money” product or service. If you're selling
something else to them, chances are that they will be
considerably less likely to worry that you are trying
to rip them off.

6. Buyers in the “make money” market may be more
likely to return products, as they perceive sellers to
have tricked them if they do not succeed in making
money with the product (which they usually don't, no
matter how good it is).

7. Buyers wont judge your product on how it “should
be” presented according to protocol that is normally
used for “make money” products. Instead, they will
look at the list of features you have provided.

8. You're better off in the long run if you pursue a
field in which you are interested, rather than simply
a “make money” field. If you don't have any serious
interest in your product, you will more than likely do
a poor job creating and marketin it.

9.Other markets can often be more profitable. Even
though you've heard about those million dollar days,
there are other industries which can be just as
profitable, provided that you spend the time to select
the right one and to cultivate profits.

10. If you don't have a background in “making money”
with some specific system, you may be better off
creating a book or product on some area in which you
have specific expertise.

To reiterate, there are many business models you can
create; however, a business model that caters to the
“make money” crowd is almost always a mistake.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

22 May 2008

Top 10 Tips For Using Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising has completely
revolutionized how advertising is done over the
Internet. No longer must advertisers purchase banners
or text link ads on sites for a flat rate per month,
but with virtually no guaranteed results (not even a
guarantee of a click); instead, they can purchase “pay
per click” advertising through a massive contextual ad
server service, such as Google Adwords.

Now, with this new ability to advertise effectively
comes several responsibilities: in order to use it
correctly, you must understand how it works. You can't
simply purchase the top right corner of a site for a
flat rate per month. Below, I've included 10 important
tips for PPC advertising:

1. Actually browse through sites that serve your
advertisements. Eliminate those that are low quality
or that are likely to inflate the price of advertising
by giving you too many clicks per 1000 views.

2. Remember to always determine whether or not it is
cost effective to advertise on contextual ad networks;
or whether you should restrict your pay-per-click
advertisements to the search engine itself.

3. Use “day parting” features to determine when your
advertisements will and wont be shown. If, for
instance, you find that at certain times during the
day, you get a lot of clicks, but none are serious
buyers, you may want to remove your days from that
period of time.

4. Use the statistics program on whichever pay-per-
click advertising program you are using to determine
the effectiveness of ads. If ads are not effective (or
are too effective), replace them with something else.

5. Test and refine your ads until you have the best
possible advertisement (i.e. one that pulls visitors,
but not visitors that don't buy).

6. Determine how many clicks you can afford to pay for
per sale. You should be able to mathematically
determine the optimal price per click.

7. Use Google Adword's keyword tool feature to search
for additional keywords to use in your campaigns. The
more you have, the more traffic you will pull.

8. Remember to segment each campaign into a list of
keywords and an advertisement that matches that list.
The smaller the list of keywords, the more narrowly
focused the advertisement can be, making it more

9. Remove keywords from your campaigns that are not
cost effective. Many keywords will pull searches, but
will end up decreasing your click through rate or not
converting to sales after someone clicks through.

10. Use negative keywords to prevent freebie seekers
from running up your click through count. For
instance, get rid of keywords like “free” and “cheap,”
unless your product is free or cheap.

Follow each of these ten tips carefully and you will
find that using pay per click advertising isn't as
hard as it may seem initially.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

12 May 2008

List Profits Secrets: How to Get Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails and Take Immediate Action. Part 2

In the first issue of these series on Email marketing techniques, we looked at the number 1 technique that you can use in creating magnetic headlines, bound to get your subscribers clicking through. In this second part, we’ll be looking at an equally important part of the whole:

I’ll teach how you to personally achieve those results. Getting your subscribers to click through and read your email is not just enough. Its good if they have a hint, which draws them in. But nothing, and I repeat nothing, sells faster and makes more impact than a “How I Did It” story.

Have you ever done something and had people asking you how you did it? This does not mean that you have to cook up a story. If you have not achieved those results, then in my opinion, do not bother to teach it. It would simply portray you as someone who does not “walk the talk”. If you absolutely have to do it, get someone who has done it themselves. Interview him and either get it transcribed into a PDF format or let subscribers download the call in mp3 format or on their IPods.

This simple procedure instills in your subscribers the confidence that if you can do it, they can too. Nothing speaks better than personal results. It works like magic. Because people are always asking questions like, “How did you make so many sales? How did you lose so much weight? How did you learn how to speak so well in public? How did you get to achieve so much in such a short period?”

You see, that’s why books and reports depicting “How I did so and so” sell like crazy. People want to tap from the direct knowledge source and experience. There is the assurance that the learning curve is faster and the mistakes can be avoided. If you’ve read Marlon Sander’s book on how she grossed over $500,000 in a year, you’ll see a typical example of this concept put to work. The reason her e-book sold was because of the first-hand experience and knowledge she was promising to give out.

Everyone desires results. That is why titles like “How I lost 20kg in 3 months”, “How I made $15,000 in 25 days”, “How I learned public speaking in 3 months” etc. will always be bestsellers and attention-grabbers. Everyone wants to not only hear success stories, but to see how it can be applied to their lives.

At least you can see that I really practice what I teach because you are still here. The title I used is what drew you in and is still what is keeping you reading. Learn how to use the power of personal experiences. If you do not have any, go get an experience or invite someone who has an experience to share it with you. Then share it with your subscribers. I have seen this particular method work like crazy and draw in so many sales.

In the last and final part, you’ll find the last straw that will get you floods of sales and responses from your email marketing campaigns.

Remember today’s lesson: Teach how you personally achieved results.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

09 May 2008

List Profits Secret 1. How to Get Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails and Take Immediate Action. Part 1

Hello there. Before you go ahead with reading this write-up, ask yourself “Why am I reading this article? Why did I click it open in the first place? Something compelled you; didn’t it? Guess what it is –The Headline.

Yeah that’s why you are reading this article. This seemingly simple step is one of the three you can use in grossly commanding your clients to open and read immediately. You know why? Because it offers the promise of a solution to their problems.

That brings us to key number 1 in email marketing techniques: Make your subject lines as compelling as possible. Not much of a secret, eh? But you would be amazed to know that not many internet marketers are using this seemingly simple method.

This factor alone can increase your subscriber-reading rate by over 70%. The rule is the same. If you want to catch people’s attention then pen something that will instantly grab their attention by using terrific psychological triggers.

If you’ve been around a while, you are aware that not all emails get read. I mean it is hard enough getting the thing through Spam filters to your subscribers’ inbox.

Even then, it might not get read. Yet there is a simple technique that you could use each and every time to conjure up wonderful attention-grabbing headlines. That’s the reason you are still reading this article. I got your attention long enough to compel you to click through. No hypnotic stuff here, just plain common sense.

Now, how do you get to write such attention-grabbing subject lines? See the end from the beginning. When I started with this article, the goal I had in mind was to teach how you could get your subscribers to click through your headlines. So, I had to ask myself “What do I want my reader to do?” “What do I want them to achieve?” Simple, eh? Yeah.

At the beginning of this article, you got the impression that there was something you needed to know. You realised you wanted to learn this and that’s the reason you are still reading this article. At the beginning, there was a hint of getting results with our email marketing campaigns –specifically getting almost everyone on your list to click through and read your emails.

That is simply what marketing and ad writing is all about. For example, let’s say you are selling shoes and you want your subscribers to buy the new foot cream or sweat-inhibiting foot powder in your stock. Sending them an email with the subject line: “Buy New Sweat Inhibiting Powder” will not get as many results as “How Do You Stop Your Feet from Smelling?” Now you see that is a unique question everyone who wears shoes is asking.

So you are attending to their innate needs by asking that question. Because it is a problem they need solved, you are bound to get higher clickthroughs and ultimately make more sales.

Another result-getting technique you can use is personalization. Instead of just including “Dear friend” or “Dear Subscriber”, you might want to personalize your emails. Most autoresponders now have the facility to do that.

All you have to do is automate it to send emails with subject lines starting with the subscribers’ firstname. For example, you could send an email with the title “[FIRSTNAME], here's how I build my list...” Personalizing your email is important as it promotes some form of cordiality. It enhances trust on the part of the subscriber and more importantly, singles your email out almost immediately making it stand out in the crowd.

Get your subscribers attention by piquing their curiosity. The ability to do this sets you apart from your competition. Marketers who have mastered this skill have always made money and gotten higher clickthroughs than their competition.

A subject line like “How I got 20,000 visitors in 7 days using just RSS feeds” will definitely grab your audience’s attention and trigger a psychological response making them think they could achieve the same if it is real and doable. The next thing they think after seeing that is “Really? Is that possible? Let me find out” and click. Your email opens before them.

In the next issue we’ll look at another very important aspect of generating higher subscriber results and clickthroughs. In the meantime, watch out for “List Profits Secret 1. How to Get Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails and Take Immediate Action. Part 2”.

Remember what today’s lesson is: Make your headlines as compelling as possible.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

07 May 2008

Viral Marketing techniques: How to Rake in Huge Amounts of Cash Creating a Viral Mechanism. Part 2

Creating a viral mechanism that will boost and increase your website’s popularity and conversion rates is as easy as 1, 2, 3. It all depends on you doing the right thing. When I mean easy, it does not mean you won’t work at all; you will have to do some work by yourself. But it is an easily predictable pattern of action.

The easiest way to do this is write a report that is based on something relevant. Then go ahead and tie it to your product and services that you intend to market or sell. If you do not have a product, you can sell someone else’s for a part of the sales. Writing a report is not so hard. All you need to know is how to solve people’s problems. The most important step here is gathering information on what you either perceive or know to be important to the people you want to sell the product to.

To determine what is relevant and needed, send an email to your list –if you have any- asking them to send you their most important questions.

Usually, an email stating ten most important questions delivered within a day does the magic. If you do not have a list, you might try asking that in the forums.

A word about forum posting: Don’t post your links in the forums. It could get you banned. If you ask people to tell their questions, they will be willing to tell you. Then you can go ahead and write a 5-10 paged report or whatever amount of pages will suffice. While writing the report, ensure your products and services are well inserted in to the report.

Be sure to answer the most important ones; usually, you can identify these from among the tons of emails you might get or replies in the forum. I remember trying this exact same technique on a very popular forum and it became a sticky post in just 2 days.

That’s to show how many people are interested in someone getting their problems solved. After that, go ahead and send them an email reminding them of the questions you asked them the previous week. Then tell them the answers to the questions have been provided and can be downloaded at a certain location –in this case, your website or a one-paged site you set up for it- and can be had for just a single favor they could do for you.

You could then go ahead to tell them that to get it, they should just refer three of their friends. Because this is something they really crave, they’ll willingly do that for you. Imagine the exponential effect it will have on your marketing. One telling three, three telling nine, nine telling twenty seven, twenty seven telling eighty one and so on.

If on the other hand, you got the questions using online forums and message boards, you can go back there and post a reply to the questions, telling them they can find answers to their questions via a report. Also state the fact the report is filled with all of the answers.

You can list the questions and their answers with their various pages. This will incite them to get to the page you put up for that single purpose and before you know it, you have a lot of traffic to your website which becomes popular by this single method.

After you have finished, you can go ahead and replicate the same method with other products in different niches you might want to dabble into.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com