30 April 2008

Viral Marketing techniques: How to Rake in Huge Amounts of Cash Creating a Viral Mechanism. Part 1

Ever heard of the virus whether in man or on the computer? The most popular one we all know is the HIV virus which is a very potent virus that can wipe away a 6 ft 5” man in just 6 months if he isn’t using his drugs.

While this seems to be pretty fast, imagine the Ebola virus. If one catches it, he’s dead in just one week; at the most two weeks and you know the thing about Ebola is that it’s incurable. Why does the virus have such ability to wipe away a whole populace within just a few days, it is because of its ability to proliferate rapidly and spread faster than even wildfire.

What does this have to do with marketing online or offline? This is where we are going. Imagine creating these same results but in his case, you are not transmitting a virus. You are spreading word about your report, product or services and it is following the viral mechanism.

This is what is known as Viral Marketing. It is a method of marketing that is highly productive as long as you are offering high quality content. Imagine creating a viral mechanism that is unstoppable and keeps spreading like wildfire? You can achieve this if you know what to do and how to go about it. There are a few ways you could easily do this and we’ll start with it in this lesson.

Using a tell-a-friend script. If you have visited any website recently that is constantly updated, you will find that it will have a script on the page that either says “send this to a friend”, “tell a friend about this page”, or “tell a friend about this website and get …”. This is abundant all over the internet.

The idea behind this single script is to increase the awareness of a product, website or service all over the internet and in the real world. For example let’s say you found this really nice material on reducing labour pains during birth and has a friend who is pregnant, it is only natural that you would want to send her that material to read.

Online, all you have to do is enter her email address and voila she gets it in her inbox. After which you might now call her to either check out the website or her email. If she’s got a group for pregnant women, she could refer them to the site or send the material to them through an email.

Now you see what happened. “A” saw the material and liked it and felt ”B” who in turn felt 14 people would really like it too and so on and so forth. The bottom line is you have created through one person, a mechanism that grows geometrically or exponentially depending on which angle you are looking at it from.

Using a tell-a-friend script is one of the best ways you can create this effect. To get a very good tell-a-friend script, you can use your search engine to check for some using the keywords “free tell-a-friend scripts”, get a programmer to create a simple script for you for under $100 or Mike filsaime’s Viral friend Generator which can be found at www.ViralFriendPower.com .

Remember today’s lesson: Create a viral mechanism using tell-a-friend scripts.

Check out http://www.unstoppableresults.com to see a tell-a-friend form in action.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

27 April 2008

Copywriting - How To Write Powerful Sales Headlines

The most important part of any sales letter is the
sales headline. You can have the best testimonials,
the best income statements, and the best sales copy
known to man, but none of this will matter if visitors
aren't convinced and intrigued by your headline; and
simply click off of your sales letter, instead of
reading on to learn more.

For this reason, it is absolutely imperative that you
learn how to write powerful sales headlines if you
want to round out a powerful sales letter.

So what does a powerful sales headline include?

A powerful sales headline must include a number of
different “psychological triggers.” These are words
that have been proven time and time again to stir up
emotion by triggering some widely-attached connotation
to a word or phrase. “Free,” “shocking,”
“scientifically proven,” “powerful,” and “secret” are
all examples of psychological triggers. Including at
least a few in your headline will catch readers' eyes,
even if they're only skimming initially.

Now, in addition to including psychological triggers,
you will want to make sure that you have some type of
interesting conceptual hook in your sales headline.
For instance, if there is some specific feature of
your product that no other sellers in your market
offer, you will want to make sure that you work that
into your headline.

You will also want to find some way you can intrigue
people into reading more, even beyond conveying a
point of interest, couched in psychological triggers.
For instance, you may want to say something mysterious
or make some bold claim. This will bait people to read
more, if only to find out if you're serious or gimmicky.

Remember, too, to keep in mind that your headline
will need to match up with the rest of your sales
letter. Don't simply make a claim in your sales
headline and then slowly diminish it over the course
of your sales letter. Instead, find some way in which
you can make a powerful headline that matches up with
the content that is about to follow. One way in which
you can do this is to setup a pyramidal structure for
your sales letter. Start off with your most powerful
point in your headline – and then slowly scale down,
including points that are of less interest. Those who
have the least resistance to buying will purchase
instantly; those who have more resistance will
probably need to go through all of the points.

Last, when writing powerful headlines, always
remember to test before launches to determine which
headline works best. You can do this by creating two
sales pages and testing the conversion rate with a pay
per click campaign. Remember to only change one word
or one phrase at a time, so you can clearly identify
what increases or decreases your conversion rate.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

24 April 2008

Top 5 Ways to Promote and Market an Affiliate Program

Marketing affiliate products can be challenging if you don’t know what to do and how to go about the marketing. There are various methods via which you can get an affiliate product in the face of people. But in this article, we’ll be examining the top five methods that you can use in promoting affiliate products.

1. Marketing to a list.

It is imperative that every marketer build a list. Why? Because the money is in the list. Anything short of that is less than spectacular. Marketing to an “opt-in” list built by you almost always generates lots of money on affiliate products. To do this effectively, all you need to do is create an avenue where you can consistently send your subscribers an email with offers.

The list is about the best source of marketing because the subscribers trust you –if you have been offering high quality information and recommending reputable products- and know that what you offer them is of high value. Remember the “no lesson today” method we talked about in a particular edition, this is where you can utilise the method effectively. You can just decide to take one day off every week to make them these offers.

2. Use Pay per click methods.

Using PPC methods effectively entails just two things: Doing proper keyword research and bidding reasonably. PPC search engines ask you to pay a preset amount for every click you generate. The good thing about using pay per click Programs such as Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and MSN Adcenter is you get highly targeted traffic.

Only those who are searching for your products get to see them. For instance, if I am looking for Shoes of size 43 to buy and I type that keyword into the google search bar, I will get results that are tailored towards that search. So, the only listings I will see will be those related to shoes.

Now, if someone –an affiliate of a shoe merchant- places an ad about the various shoes sizes, I will definitely check out his website. If I like what I see, I could decide to buy from him. Do you get the idea? To use this method well, learn how to research your keywords properly so that you won’t run at a loss.

3. Use Ezine and newsletter ads.

Most affiliate programs provide you with material that you can send as solo ad or top sponsor ads. All you need do is buy an adspace in any of the ezines that catch your fancy and have them send the offer to their subscribers.

If your letter is well crafted, [people have been known to make lots of dough from this method. You could also use this method to just generate a flurry of traffic to your landing page where people will sign up for more information or an ecourse that you would have programmed your autoresponder to send out on a daily basis.

In this ecourse, they’ll read the information and then go ahead to visit the recommended link (your affiliate link). That way you could also make lots of sales.

4. Distribute Viral reports.

These are reports that different people can pass on to their friends to read. All you need do is fill it with information that is extremely relevant, include your affiliate links in the reports and have give people the permission to give it away as long as the content is not tampered with. This also generates lots of results not to mention profits as it spreads like wildfire all over the internet.

5. Article Writing.

Write articles that are tailored to the products and services you intend to sell, and post on various article directories. Most article directories have categories for almost anything on the surface of the earth.

From UFOs to Astrology to Wizardry to Xmas Celebrations. Write your articles; create a compelling byline with the affiliate link lading to the destination page. If you want to mask the link, you can either create a redirect or use link shrinking services such as tunyurl.com, snipurl.com, Gentleurl.com.

To test how effective this method is, write just 5 articles on a topic, post in five different article directories then wait to see the results. If you are satisfied with it, then you might want to incorporate it into your overall marketing strategy.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

21 April 2008

7 Reasons Why Your Subscribers Aren't Buying From You

As an Internet business owner, you hear the phrase “the money is in
the list” on an almost daily basis. Perhaps this form of social proof
convinced you to build a list for your business in the first place,
rather than sending visitors directly to a sales page.

Initially, things probably went off without a hitch. You created a
high quality squeeze page, redirected all of your traffic to it, and
then started counting the opt-ins. It may have bothered you at first
to give up sales you could have made directly, but you knew it was
worth it – or at least you thought it was worth it.

Unfortunately, things didn't work out as everyone predicted they
would. And now you're struggling to make enough off of your list to
pay for your autoresponder, when you know you could have made five
times as much through direct sales. You want to give up and go back
to direct sales, but you're hoping there's some other way.

So why aren't your customers buying from you? There are a number of
reasons. In the remainder of this article, I am going to present the
top seven – the most likely reasons why they have for not purchasing
your offers.

  1. You made too many offers too soon. This kills a lot of lists. If
    your first few emails in your autoresponder series bombard readers with offers, there's a good chance that the people receiving your emails aren't reading them anymore.

  2. You gave out low quality information. This, too, is a big list
    killer. In a desperate effort to make a list, site owners throw
    together low-quality information. What they don't understand is that
    this wont list subscribers reading.

  3. You do not have enough credibility. If you immediately launch into
    a product offer in the first issue, you probably will have no
    credibility with your subscribers whatsoever, which will act as a
    barrier to their buying.

  4. Your offer is not good enough. If you don't have at least
    reasonably good products, you can expect less and less list members
    to buy each successive product. You can also expect more return

  5. You offer untargeted products. If you are bombarding your lists
    with untargeted offers, not only will they not buy, but they also
    will stop paying attention and may even unsubscribe.

  6. You have made it too difficult for subscribers to actually
    purchase from you.
    If you don't accept credit cards and Paypal at a
    bare minimum, you can expect that very few people will purchase your
    offer. No one wants to write out a check and mail it to you. Seriously.

  7. Your pitch was too weak. Perhaps you failed to give them a free
    demo version of your product or perhaps the copy simply was not
    compelling. Whatever the reason happens to be, you didn't compel your
    readers to buy, so they didn't.

As I said earlier, I am not going to provide you with solutions to
each of these problems. The solutions should be relatively self-
evident. All you have to do now is re-read these seven items,
identify which of these is preventing your subscribers from buying,
and then revise your strategy to eliminate these barriers.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

14 April 2008

Blogging - Using Free Blogs To Make Money

There are a number of different ways in which you can
use blogs to make money. Some blog owners constantly
put up content-intensive, frequently-updated material;
whereas others simply add a new post every once in a
while. Both models can work reasonably well at
generating revenue.

Let's look at the first model and what is required:
in order to make money with a high quality blog, you
will want to generate most of your traffic through
word of mouth recommendation, rather than through
search engine optimization, which will not give you
any benefits for producing superior material. This
means that you will want to promote your blog through
different avenues.

I personally suggest that you consider two different
avenues: 1) using social bookmarking sites to gain
steam; and 2) promoting on forums.

Doing well with the first option entails creating
something that is legitimately interesting; and then
facilitating its circulation by submitting that page
to social bookmarking sites, such as
http://del.icio.us and http://www.digg.com.
Additionally, on your blog, post a link that brings
users to a social bookmarking site on which they can
vote for your video or whatever it is you created. The
more who vote on your blog, the better that blog post
will rank on the social bookmarking system, increasing
the amount of people who read your blog.

Now, if you prefer to take a different approach – to
create multiple profitable, but low-maintenance blogs
– you can simply create a blog and purchase
information for it. For instance, you could setup a
blog about dieting; and then purchase a set of 15
articles from a ghostwriter. Every 3-4 days, you could
post a new article about dieting. Once you have a blog
running, you can then move to the next one while you
wait for the first to begin getting search again

With this method, you will want to get natural search
engine traffic, rather than referred traffic, as the
content you post will be high-quality, but not
anything that will elicit some type of viral effect
from social bookmarking sites.

Furthermore, when generating traffic, you will want
to find ways to recycle it to ensure that your traffic
constantly grows in the future.

Last, you will want to figure out how to monetize
your blog or blogs. You can do this with advertising,
by selling products, or by setting up some type of
subscription. I personally suggest that you leave your
blog unmonetized until you begin to build a regular
base of visitors; however, if you are planning to go
the multiple blog route, you may simply want to throw
up Adsense ads immediately.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

08 April 2008

You Don’t Have To Get It Right, You Just Have To Get It Going…

This special post is for all you that seem to be weighed down and drowning in a sea of ideas, better known as Idea Overload.

I could start this off by telling you how many days and nights I spent in a total state of Idea Overload, how “I’ve been in your shoes”, or even that “I feel your pain”.

However, what you really need to hear is exactly how my story unfolded.

If you are really interested in changing the way you handle business; I must suggest that you sit up, pay attention, and take notes.

During 2003, I decided to test my skills in the marketing world on a part-time basis. After this humble beginning, I moved into marketing full-time in 2005. Early in my first year of marketing full-time, a realization set in: I was spinning my wheels and already needed new tires. How did I come to this realization? I had to have my life put into perspective by a motivational speaker.

Mike Litman is a very popular motivational speaker based on one very simple motto, which hit me hard when I first heard it.

The One Quote That Hit Me…

Mike emphasizes, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going”. Now, if you’re not familiar with Mike Litman, take a look through his website, www.mikelitman.com. This one small quote changed my life and I do not mind giving him credit for it. While Mike might not be the creator of this statement, or if he obtained this wisdom from someone else, I am very glad he uses it frequently. I also heard this from Marlon Sanders.

It made perfect sense to me that there was a reason for my problems. I could not seem to get anything done and I had not even been able to earn my first dollar in the marketing world. After obtaining more information from Mike Litman and many other informative websites, I realized that I had too many ideas and information stored in my head. All of these ideas were becoming stagnant because I could not put them into action.

I discovered that I could not get my ideas into action because I was a perfectionist. Yes, this sounds a little crazy because a perfectionist would be determined to have all plans working in proper order immediately.

I could not even get mine started because I did not know how to make these ideas run smoothly in the beginning. In my mind, it was better to keep the idea hidden instead of starting a project that might fail.

I consistently held dozens of ideas in my head waiting for the enlightening moment when I realized exactly how I could make the project go through perfectly. You will never believe this, but those ideas NEVER BECAME PERFECT. Always remember that no idea starts out perfect and there is always room for improvement.

This one quote, “You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going”, gave me the ability to change this part of my personality. I changed the way I approached things with my business and the way I made decisions for my business.

I started by asking myself the following three questions:

1. “What is the easiest project to complete?”

2. “What is the fastest project to complete?”

3. “Which project will lead to my ultimate goal?”

Your ultimate goal could be to buy your first home, make $100,000, go for a holiday to Fiji or whatever.

At the time, my ultimate goal was to make at least $100,000 online. My first sale was only a measly $5, but I could be proud that I had successfully taken a project from start to finish. I had also given a customer more than a product; I had created VALUE in my product and now understood that “VALUE SELLS”.

I still remember the day of the first sale when I was jumping in the air shouting “Yes!!” My family heard this and thought I was crazy getting excited over $5. I am positive my neighbors heard and thought I was crazy too. Maybe I was crazy and maybe I still am, but I now understand how to get my ideas into action and I want to help you understand too.

Did this bring me closer to my ultimate goal of $100,000 online? Sure it did. Before you make your first $100, you have to first make your first dollar.

Evaluate yourself and decide which of these two choices you would take:

1. Start a large project that you think MAY result in a large monetary gain.

2. Start a minor project that you think will be faster and easier to accomplish, but will only result in a minor monetary gain.

After hearing the quote of my life, I would choose the second option. The second option would allow me to get started quickly, have early success, build tremendous momentum and keep my self-esteem high. This would also allow me to follow the advice of another well-known writer of self-help books, Mr. Anthony Robbins. Anthony Robbins mentioned the power of “Chunking” in one of his earlier books, called “Notes From A Friend”.

“The most successful people are those who understand the power of ‘chunking’, who don’t bite off more than they can chew at one time. In other words, they break a goal down into bite-sized pieces, achievable ’sub-goals’ that lead toward the ultimate success they desire. But it’s not enough just to set sub-goals; you have to celebrate the achievement of each small step. This will help you build momentum and develop habits that will gradually turn your dreams into reality.”

- Anthony Robbins

Chunking is a perfect example of getting the small projects going and work your way towards your primary objective. The point that these speakers are making is that your ideas do not have to be perfect; you just have to get them going.

So what if your software has some bugs and crashes every now and then, ever hear of Windows ME®? Yes, even Microsoft takes chances with projects that need to be pushed out quickly. Did this minor failure make Bill Gates stop putting out more software that is full of bugs? Of course it didn’t, Gates understands the philosophy of getting your ideas out and fixing the major problems as you go. And what’s even smarter is how Gates hands out “beta” versions to the public, for free, so they’ll find the bugs!

You don’t have to make everything perfect at the start. You can always optimize and tweak it once it’s out there. On the contrary, I’m not saying to create and put out “crap”.

I know that there may be some people who may not agree with my thinking, but this is what’s worked for me and I’m simply sharing my story.

The bottom line is, if you have a sea of ideas that you want to turn into something more, then…

“You don’t have to get it right; you just have to get it going”

Here are my:

Top 5 Tips on How To Get Things Done

1. Make a checklist of 10 things or tasks you want to complete for today, in order of priority. The task(s) you did not complete for today can be continued on the next day. So the next day you’d have another checklist of the 10 things you need to get done.

2. Ever heard of the quote “Do what you do best and outsource the rest”? That’s right. Focus on your strengths and get someone else to do the work you hate or weak at. If you’re on a shoe-string budget, why not do a barter? i.e. - commit to a quid pro quo. Bottom line is, don’t be the “one man band”.

3. Get yourself an “Idea book”. Go to your local stationary store and buy a cheap notepad where you can jot down your ideas. That way you don’t forget your ideas and you can refer back to it anytime.

4. Build relationships with other people in your market. I feared telling my business buddies about my latest ideas, because I thought that they’d “steal” my idea. Much to my surprise, that wasn’t so. Sharing your ideas amongst you fellow business associates, acquaintance or friends, will potentially allow you to brainstorm through your idea to give you suggestions, tips and pointers to enhance your idea. The truth of the matter is, they may know more about a certain area than you. So find and build relationships with other people in your market.

5. Get the right tools and work in an environment where you’re comfortable working in. If you’re sitting on a really uncomfortable seat, then it’ll be hard for you to work on the computer. Especially if you’re going to work at longer periods. Get the right tools and software to keep yourself working productively. Lock yourself if you have to get your work done. One crazy, but rewarding thing I did was book a hotel for three days to get an important task done. Do this if you have to.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

06 April 2008

10 Reasons Not To Go Into The Money Market

There are a number good reasons why you should not go
into the “make money” market. Below, I will give you
ten of the more important reasons.

1. Your competition is highly skilled. If you think it
is easy to compete in the “make money” market, think
again. Your competition has mastered the art of
selling, which means he or she will be an extremely
tough competitor.

2. Other markets offer less resistance. The “make
money” market is highly oversatured with sellers. For
this reason, it is tough to claim decent positions on
search engines. This is not so with all niches.

3. The learning curve is high if you're inexperienced
selling “make money” products. Since your ability to
train people to sell will be directly dependent on
your ability to sell to them, many people will be
reluctant to buy from you unless your presentation is
far beyond average.

4. Even if you sell within the “make money” market,
your target audience should be small, not large. You
want to find a specific group that can be matched to a
specific product you will produce or have already

5. Other products are easier to market. When it comes
down to it, people are highly suspicious of any type
of “make money” product or service. If you're selling
something else to them, chances are that they will be
considerably less likely to worry that you are trying
to rip them off.

6. Buyers in the “make money” market may be more
likely to return products, as they perceive sellers to
have tricked them if they do not succeed in making
money with the product (which they usually don't, no
matter how good it is).

7. Buyers wont judge your product on how it “should
be” presented according to protocol that is normally
used for “make money” products. Instead, they will
look at the list of features you have provided.

8. You're better off in the long run if you pursue a
field in which you are interested, rather than simply
a “make money” field. If you don't have any serious
interest in your product, you will more than likely do
a poor job creating and marketin it.

9.Other markets can often be more profitable. Even
though you've heard about those million dollar days,
there are other industries which can be just as
profitable, provided that you spend the time to select
the right one and to cultivate profits.

10. If you don't have a background in “making money”
with some specific system, you may be better off
creating a book or product on some area in which you
have specific expertise.

To reiterate, there are many business models you can
create; however, a business model that caters to the
“make money” crowd is almost always a mistake.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com