31 October 2007

How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website - Part 5

In the previous issues of these series, we have look at how you can promote your products and services using articles. In the another edition of this course, you learned how to use MySpace to promote your articles and hence, your products. In this edition, we’ll be looking at how to harness the potentials of articles and drive targeted traffic to your websites through Ezine publishers.

One very important point you have to take note of is the fact that Ezine and newsletter publishers in all fields are consistently seeking for high quality articles loaded with thorough information that can benefit their subscribers. Has it ever occurred to you that one of the top ten challenges Ezine and newsletter publishers face is consistently getting high quality articles and content to send to their subscribers? They need this because they know that if they were to keep giving their subscribers junk, their emails are likely to get ignored if not outrightly blocked resulting in them losing money they could have made from their subscribers reading their emails and purchasing their products and those recommended by them. This potentially means loss in sales and dwindling income from the list.

This is the reason they outsource the jobs of article writing and content production to freelance writers who do it for them at a token price. Now imagine how much costs you would be saving these publishers if you were to consistently offer them quality content –your articles- for free. The only catch being that your bylines remain and not be tampered with. This could be used not only for the subscribers but also for the blog readers.

If you want to explore this avenue, it is better that your content/articles be good enough for them –ezine and newsletter publishers- to want to collect and accept them. By now you would have noticed that there is a lot of emphasis on high quality content. Yes it determines your success rate in marketing your products, services, promoting your website and affiliate products using articles. This method works very well because the subscribers see your byline and click through to the page you want them to; hence increasing your sales. You are bound to make a lot more sales using this method because the subscribers trust the publisher who sends them the email.

So, how do you find these publishers who need your articles?

1. Visit online forums, discussion groups and message boards. Participate and look out for potential publishers who will like your articles. This can be easily done by typing “Forex trading forums” in the search bar if you are writing articles on Forex Trading etc. It is important that you also contribute to the boards to make you get recognized as a qualified individual. There is problem with well-meaning people who join message boards and start posting offers. After collecting a list of the publishers, send a sample article to them with a promise of more for free if they would only let you include your byline. Most times, the publishers jump at this offer because it helps them cut costs. 2. In your favorite search engine’s search bar, type in the keyword “‘niche’ Ezine publishers”. If for instance you have articles on real estate, type in the keyword “real state Ezine publishers”, “real estate newsletter publishers” etc. Then get a list of all of them and subscribe using an email account set up for receiving their newsletters. The reason you want to do this is to give you a feel of the quality of their ezines so you can meet up or even surpass the standard. Then, fire off your emails introducing yourself and asking them to take a look at your articles to see if they are “fit for consumption” by your subscribers. If they like it, they’ll often get back to you for a steady supply of articles.

There you have it. You cannot continue to complain that you are not getting traffic anymore. You have enough information to help you generate lots of traffic. Use these techniques and reap the benefits. In the next issue, you’ll learn how to use Content Syndication Websites and News Feeds to promote your articles.

Remember today’s lesson: Send your articles to ezine and newsletter publishers who will send it to their respective lists.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

29 October 2007

How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website - Part 4

In the previous issue of this series, we looked at how you could use article directories to generate traffic for any product or services you are selling. In this issue, we’ll be looking at how we can move it a little further. You’ll be learning how to use your articles to even generate a bigger readership audience and make more money in the process.

Asides using the article directories, there are various means you can promote your articles with. Some of them are: Use of social network sites popularly known as Web2.0 portals, Submitting your articles to Ezine publishers who need quality content related to the topic you are writing on, News Sites and News feeds, tagging, allowing other people to publish your articles, increasing the Keyword Density of the article etc. Using these techniques is not rocket science. If you know how to check your email and type a few letters and emails, then you can use the techniques to gather as many visitors as you want.

Let’s start with using social networking websites. These are communities online that cater to providing an avenue through which people can get to meet each other for the first time, or where old time friends can catch up with each other. It’s like a get together joint for people across the globe. Examples of these include MySpace, Orkut, hi5, etc. Some of these websites have as much as a billion hits daily. At least hi5 has that much traffic on a daily basis and MySpace has about the same. Imagine the potentials inherent here. A billion hits! What if you could divert some of that traffic to you so other people can visit your website, blog etc.? The potential is limitless. How do you divert the traffic to your website or blog or get people to read your article?

1. Register with any of these websites that you choose. I am more familiar with MySpace.com although the dynamics of the other websites are not too different. So, we’ll use that as our working example.

2. Then create your profile page. The key to this is making your profile attractive and funny except if you intend to join the very serious-minded folks or “no-jokes” groups. Make your profile page appear interesting. Let people see that you are a fun guy to be with etc.

3. Set up your blog. This is highly important as you’ll be needing it on a daily basis. MySpace provides you with facilities so you can create your blog and start posting. Note that your blog address is different from your MySpace page. Your MySpace page is where you tell all about yourself. In short it is where the world first gets o meet you. Their first impression of you will definitely result in their either wanting to know you better or not. You can insert your blog link here as they’ll want to see what you have to offer if they are interested in knowing more about you.

4. Then start adding your articles, videos, and audios to your blog. This is what your invitees will see when they visit your blog and may either keep them coming back or keep them away. There is no limit to the amount of articles you can add. So as long as you are producing those, post them on your MySpace blog.

5. After setting up your blog and your page, you are good to go. Browse through the groups you like and start sending invites. Sending invites simply means adding people as your friends. This is your first step of introduction. When you send them the Request to add as a friend, they get it in their inbox. More often than not, they will want to check out who wants to add them; that’s the reason the initial preparation of the home page and blog page is highly important. Be careful about adding too many friends. MySpace has placed the limit of friends you can add to 400 a day. Anything above marks you out as a spammer. But as a starter, add 250 a day. It’s safe. As you get used to the modalities involved with using MySpace, you can increase the number of invites you send out.

6. Then start posting bulletins to your friends who have accepted you. Bulletins are a form of message. After the bulletin, include the link to your article at the bottom. Then, send and in no time, they’ll get your message. If you have just 12,000 people on your friends list, they are bound to read it if it is interesting.

That’s it. No rocket science at all. If you spend one hour a day working on this, you’ll get appreciable results in no time and lots of people will get to see your articles and probably tell their friends about it which will result in increased website traffic.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website - Part 3

In Part 2 of this series, we looked at how you could coin powerful headlines that is bound to cause a click through frenzy. Now, we’ll be looking at how you can build the body of the article to pique the reader’s interest so much that he’ll want more and then create a byline that will cause your audience to be very eager to see what else you have to say and offer.

Creating the body of an article is not as hard as it seems. It is simply outlining your thoughts in an orderly manner so that one point flows into another resulting a well written article. To be honest, there are quite a number of well written articles and billions of pages of poorly written, dry, boring articles. The important thing you want to cause is that readers get a lot more information. This is why we say we all live in the information age. Only those with access to the highest quality information will stay at the top and garner more readership support. Be sure that your content is something that your readers desire and then give it to them. This is one of the single most important ways to build a readership base and ultimately, make money while doing it.

Creating an outline only takes a few minutes. For example, let’s say I want to write an article on building a website. A sample outline would go like this:

1. Title
2. The importance of a website (Introduction)
3. Learning HTML
4. Setting out the contents of the site
5. Acquiring the tools or software necessary for building the website and do a comparison of their ease of use, dynamic functions etc.
6. How to Start building the website
7. Uploading the website using either the FTP provided by my Host or another FTP software etc.

You get the idea. Let one thought flow into the other. It helps make your readers understand the article better and gain a lot more from it. If you have valuable resources at your disposal, include the links in the article. This way, your readers get more value. Often a well-written article will create a hunger for more articles by the writer. Most article directories will include your expert author’s link at the bottom of your article after your Byline so it would be easy to access your other articles.

After you have gotten them to read your article, you want them to either visit your website or buy a product you are selling as an affiliate or as a merchant. This is where your byline becomes important. How well you write your byline will determine how many people will click through. Often, your articles should build their expectations so much that they would just want to click through. Still notwithstanding, it is good idea to craft your byline well. To craft your byline to get maximum results, look at bylines in any articles you might have seen previously. Start noticing the really good ones –those which caused you to automatically click- and copy their pattern of writing. I do not mean copy word-for-word. Take after them. Try to craft Bylines like they did. With practice, you’ll find you are able to create compelling bylines that your readers will only be too glad to click through to see what else you have to offer.

Remember today’s lesson: Create an orderly outline and learn how to write compelling bylines.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

26 October 2007

How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website - Part 2

In the Part 1 of this series, we looked at how we could start writing our articles and creating an information feeding frenzy. Now, in Part 2, you’ll learn how to write your articles so well that you’ll always have a good readership audience which is exactly what you need to create a steady flow of traffic to your website.

A well-written article is like art. You think in your mind what you want your audience to see –in this case, learn- and then you go ahead and give it to them. Writing an article is not just like one of those things you do to make more money. This is the mentality around today and I feel it is completely wrong. This is the reason you can hardly get high quality, well-written articles anymore. Those who write high quality articles nearly always draw in a lot of traffic and then go on to make a profit from them.

To write a good, traffic generating article, you need three things: A catchy headline, a well crafted and well thought out outline and content, and finally, an author’s byline that will cause people to click through. Think of it in terms of making a soup. These ingredients all make up a successful article.

The Headline

This part is so important that if you miss it, you miss out on lots of traffic. Your headline must contain certain ingredients. If these ingredients are missing, forget it. YOU JUST LOST TRAFFIC AND MONEY! Why? Because your headline is what people see first. If it does not compel them to click, they will not click. That’s why you find lots of junk articles with poor content but catchy headlines being read daily by the millions. What are the important aspects of your headline?

1. The keywords in the headline.
2. The kind of words used.
3. The phrasing of the words.

The keywords in the headline are an integral part of your article as this what searchers type into the search engine when they are looking for it. For example, if you wrote an article with the title “How to Improve on Your Golf Swing”, you are more likely to get some traffic from the search engines because of two keywords included in your headline: ‘Golf’ and ‘Swing’. This will make it easier to find your article on the internet than if you used a keyword headline like “Can you make your shots better?”

The next step is the kinds of words you use in writing the headline. If the words used in the headline are compelling and curiosity inciting, you will have more clicks through to your article.

Your article is your marketing tool. Do not just write it anyhow. If you have to get a book on creating good headlines, then do. Whatever you have to do, do it. One of the single most important factors in article marketing is your headline. You either make it or you don’t.

Remember today’s lesson: write compelling headlines for your article. In the next edition, you’ll get the tips on how to create a well written outline and then, go ahead to create a very intriguing byline.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

25 October 2007

How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website - Part 1

For a long time now, article marketing has been useful in helping people drive lots of traffic to their websites. Unfortunately, many people do not think they can write very good article pieces and as a result, most of them give up. Article marketing can be hectic in the sense that you have to consistently write articles to meet the demands that are needed by those who may need your information.

Article marketing requires a lot of research and knowledge. If not, you’ll end up turning out garbage like most articles out on the internet. There are two major ways of writing your articles. You could either decide to write yourself or outsource –contract it to another person. Writing takes a lot of patience. If you have not been writing prior to this time, it will only take you 1 hour of practice every day for the next 1 month to become pretty good at it. All you need is the ability to gather your thoughts together and put them down on paper.

If you do not want to write by yourself, outsource your article contracts. For a little amount of money –say between $10-$15 depending on the length of the article- you could get article writers to write your articles for you and have them pass on all the rights to you. Whether you want to write by yourself or outsource, the best way to approach writing articles is by doing your research. You need to know what questions people are asking as you do not want to deal with issues that have been overflogged already.

Articles that are specific usually get a lot more high quality traffic than a generalized one. For example, if you wrote an article on autoresponders, you may get traffic but may not make any sales. But if you wrote an article on a topic like “How to make money using your autoresponder”, “How to suck in cash every time you send an email to your subscribers” etc., you’ll find people will readily listen. Reason? You are providing a specified content, giving high quality information and more importantly, answering a question that many people are asking. A typical example is this article you are reading. I could have titled it “Article writing: A general Overview”. Some people would sure take a look at what I have written just for looking sakes. But with the topic, “How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website,” you are bound to click through. Why? Because there is promise of my solving your traffic needs with the information in the article. Now, assuming I have a website at the end of this article with the title: “Article writing: A general Overview” or one with the title: “How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website,” which would you more likely click? Yeah, this one because I could solve your traffic generation or website promotion problems.

So, your article should be very highly targeted to the audience who would need the information you will be passing across to them. In the Part 2 of these series, you’ll find out the various techniques you can use in writing highly needed articles and generate lots of traffic from it.

Remember today’s lesson: Research the market, field, niche, or topic properly so you can know what questions people are asking and then solve it through your article.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

24 October 2007

How to Get the Best Results From Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Starting an email marketing campaign is one of the best decisions that a CEO, retailer, wholesaler, and owner of a business can make. Email marketing is a very fast, cheap and easy way to get your product and services to your clients, customers and potential customers.

I doesn't matter what business you are into. There is always an audience that needs your products and services; and the easiest way to get to them is via the email. You can reach an astonishing number of individuals in a very short period.

Because of its popularity, email marketing strategies and methods have been divided into the following categories. While this is by no means conclusive, it will at least give you an idea of the various methods available on the internet.

There are three of them namely: Marketing to an Opt-in list, Newsletter Marketing, and Bulk email marketing. Of all these three, marketing to an opt-in list produces the highest results followed by the Newsletter or ezine marketing. Forget about bulk email marketing campaigns. They are not worth all the stress. More than 55% of them are deleted on reception without even being read.

Have you ever visited websites that have the information you desire only to be asked to leave your email address so you can have access to the information? I am sure you would have encountered this several times on the internet. If the sites are reputable, they often send you a confirmation link that you have to click in your box before you can get to the download page or the download link.

Whenever you do that, you get on the information or service provider's opt-in list. These particular clients are the best you can send your offer to. Why? Because they have already showed an interest in what services and products you have to offer and as a result, are willing and more open towards hearing from you and ultimately buying from you. The opt-in list is a collection of email addresses collected by an individual or company as a result of the signified interest of such individuals.

The major mistake many new marketers make is to solicit to their lists immediately after signing them up. Unfortunately, even mature "old hands" who have the played the game for long still do this. While it may work for a few people, the majority just get a few orders. The quickest way to getting your clients to pick up your product is by helping them create an intense need within themselves. Make them feel like they can't live without you. Ok maybe that's going too far, but you get the point. Court your customers like you would a very beautiful woman. Make them dependent on you. Create in them, the thirst for more information from you. When you get to this level, they look out for your email and it becomes easy to sell to them.

I am subscriber to quite a few opt-in lists, ezines and newsletters. More often than not, I tend to ignore emails that do only one thing: Obvious selling. Recent estimates have shown that people would easily buy from service providers who offer nuggets of valuable information than from those who just sell. Over time, the emails who just sell are unsubscribed from while those that offer information get more subscribers. So, when you decide to set up your own email marketing campaign, have this at the back of your mind: Customers buy only from people they think are providing valuable information.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

23 October 2007

Top 5 Mistakes People Make In Email Marketing - Part 2

In the last issue, we looked at one of the mistakes most people make in email marketing. In this edition, we’ll be looking at the last four mistakes most marketers, service providers and product creators make. In this article I must emphasize that you will get both the mistakes and the solutions. Do not just know them. Do them. I repeat; Do them. They could literally save your campaign and not only put more money in your pocket than you could have ever thought; it will create for you, a loyal following of customers and clients who trust you.

1. Bombarding your subscribers with the Buy Immediately cliché. Marketers are always looking for ways to make more money. This is a good thing in itself. But when you are dealing with your clients, it is best to not go overboard. The reason most clients sign up with your newsletter, ezine or your opt-in list is because they think you could offer them pure value. So, if you deviate from this path –providing high quality information- you are bound to lose quite a number of them and it can be hard to gain their trust again. If you used the tell-a-friend method of promotion, you are bound to have a community of friends on your list and as word-of-mouth form of advertising is the fastest means to get the word out, so also is it the quickest way to lose your subscribers. So, offer high quality information. Give them valuable nuggets. This singular tactic is responsible for needless losses in millions of dollars online. Avoid this by all means by providing high quality write ups and content.

2. Sending emails too frequently. Your customers are not robots without emotions. Unnecessarily flooding their inbox with adverts of various products in the name of email marketing will get you off their list of information providers even when you offer good information. Recent research has shown that people who use their emails frequently are attached emotionally to them. So, cluttering their inbox with repeated ads, will seem like cluttering up their homes –and you know how that feels. If you must send an email twice a day, you must have a darn good reason handy as doing otherwise is sure to hurt your email marketing campaigns.

3. Not replying to emails. Many marketers are guilty of this. There may be a legit reason like being too busy or swamped with tasks for this. While that is acceptable, you should realise that genuine customers may really need more information or clarification from you as regards your products, recommendations, or just need plain advice. Always make time for your clients, as this is very important in your email marketing campaigns. It bridges the gap between you and them. It bolsters the business relationship you might have created with them. If you are too swamped, delegate the job. Get a secretary or someone to attend to your mails frequently. It would not cost much to do this. At least you are sure to keep your clients satisfied and loyal and ultimately, make more money through email marketing.

4. Not creating emails in HTML, text, or PDF formats. You newsletter or ezine is an important part of your email marketing campaign. According to Email Labs a company specializing in email marketing research, less than 20% read their emails in HTML format. According to this research, over 65% say they prefer their email messages in either text or PDF formats. Does that mean anything? Do not create just one format. It won’t cost you much to create them in the said three formats. With this alone, you’ll have covered the whole market and given your subscribers options to read your message.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at:

22 October 2007

Top 5 Mistakes People Make In Email Marketing - Part 1

The advent of the internet has made communication so much simpler than it would have been without it. It is easier to get the message out on your products, services or company. The speed of information that the internet provides is simply astonishing. Because of the ease of use of the internet, the average individual has an email address enabling him to contact anyone across the globe with just a few keyboard punches. The marketing sector has cashed in on this unique opportunity and is using email marketing to get the message out about their products, services and company.

Unfortunately though, people are not putting as much effort as they should into their email marketing efforts and campaigns. The attention given to direct mail or a press release in the news media is far higher than what is given to mail marketing.

If you are using the internet as a means of marketing, you should know that you are not dealing with robots. You are dealing with real people in a real world who have as much tendency to ignore your ads as they would in reality. Exploring the full potentials of email marketing is still far away. People make certain mistakes in the use of email marketing as a means of getting the word out on their products and services. To be very successful in your email marketing campaigns, it is advisable that you avoid making certain mistakes which seem to abound everywhere on the internet. If you are desirous of tremendous results, and want to get on the exclusive 2.1% of people who are making tons of money from their email marketing campaigns, there is need to focus on the seemingly little things.

I have always been a proponent of watching for the little things. It is those really small things that can either make or mar an individual. Companies make elaborate plans on email marketing campaigns. They get the best software, buy or build the list et.c but leave out the very important things such as email format and so on. To avoid unnecessary losses, try not to tow these steps:

Sending your clients poorly written offers. Unfortunately, even the big guys are guilty of this act. I am a subscriber to various ezines and newsletters online and have found that even among the so-called gurus, there is always one who makes the same mistake. What happens when you send poorly-written emails containing your offers is a huge loss of sales. Imagine what it would be like if Wal-Mart’s adverts were poorly written. Imagine how much sales McDonald's could lose because of poorly written emails. Treat your customers like kings and queens. Prepare well-crafted offers for them. The subconscious mind picks up these things. For instance, you'll find you hardly notice things when they are perfect. But once something is amiss, or wrong about that thing, you automatically notice it. So it is with email marketing. Your offers have to be crafted so well that even your clients will be very impressed.

In the next issue, we’ll be examining the four remaining mistakes made by marketers in email marketing. Please stay tuned.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

21 October 2007

Top 5 Ways to Promote and Market an Affiliate Program.

Marketing affiliate products can be challenging if you don’t know what to do and how to go about the marketing. There are various methods via which you can get an affiliate product in the face of people. But in this article, we’ll be examining the top five methods that you can use in promoting affiliate products.

1. Marketing to a list.

It is imperative that every marketer build a list. Why? Because the money is in the list. Anything short of that is less than spectacular. Marketing to an “opt-in” list built by you almost always generates lots of money on affiliate products. To do this effectively, all you need to do is create an avenue where you can consistently send your subscribers an email with offers. The list is about the best source of marketing because the subscribers trust you –if you have been offering high quality information and recommending reputable products- and know that what you offer them is of high value. Remember the “no lesson today” method we talked about in a particular edition, this is where you can utilise the method effectively. You can just decide to take one day off every week to make them these offers.

2. Use Pay per click methods.

Using PPC methods effectively entails just two things: Doing proper keyword research and bidding reasonably. PPC search engines ask you to pay a preset amount for every click you generate. The good thing about using pay per click Programs such as Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and MSN Adcenter is you get highly targeted traffic. Only those who are searching for your products get to see them. For instance, if I am looking for Shoes of size 43 to buy and I type that keyword into the google search bar, I will get results that are tailored towards that search. So, the only listings I will see will be those related to shoes. Now, if someone –an affiliate of a shoe merchant- places an ad about the various shoes sizes, I will definitely check out his website. If I like what I see, I could decide to buy from him. Do you get the idea? To use this method well, learn how to research your keywords properly so that you won’t run at a loss.

3. Use Ezine and newsletter ads.

Most affiliate programs provide you with material that you can send as solo ad or top sponsor ads. All you need do is buy an adspace in any of the ezines that catch your fancy and have them send the offer to their subscribers. If your letter is well crafted, [people have been known to make lots of dough from this method. You could also use this method to just generate a flurry of traffic to your landing page where people will sign up for more information or an ecourse that you would have programmed your autoresponder to send out on a daily basis. In this ecourse, they’ll read the information and then go ahead to visit the recommended link (your affiliate link). That way you could also make lots of sales.

4. Distribute Viral reports.

These are reports that different people can pass on to their friends to read. All you need do is fill it with information that is extremely relevant, include your affiliate links in the reports and have give people the permission to give it away as long as the content is not tampered with. This also generates lots of results not to mention profits as it spreads like wildfire all over the internet.

5. Article Writing.

Write articles that are tailored to the products and services you intend to sell, and post on various article directories. Most article directories have categories for almost anything on the surface of the earth. From UFOs to Astrology to Wizardry to Xmas Celebrations. Write your articles; create a compelling byline with the affiliate link lading to the destination page. If you want to mask the link, you can either create a redirect or use link shrinking services such as tunyurl.com, snipurl.com, Gentleurl.com. To test how effective this method is, write just 5 articles on a topic, post in five different article directories then wait to see the results. If you are satisfied with it, then you might want to incorporate it into your overall marketing strategy.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

18 October 2007

How to Write Your Own 5-7 Day Mini eCourse on Any Subject

It was once in style to claim that mailing lists no longer worked. The opposite seems to be true now: on every forum, marketers and business owners proclaim the power of using an opt-in form and a newsletter to make sales from follow-ups. I personally suggest this method, as it has been proven time and time again to produce higher conversion rates than attempts at direct sales.

With that being said, it is important to determine the best way in which you can create such a mini e-course to use for your given products. I personally suggest one of two ways.

Regardless of which you pick, you will want to start with a market research phase. Your goal here is to determine what it is exactly that potential readers would be looking for in an e-course. If you already have a site that receives traffic on this given topic or niche, you will want to setup a poll or send out surveys to your customer base. If not, you will have to conduct keyword research to determine what people are looking for most.

Once you have selected 5-7 topics for your e-course (depending on the length you want your course to be), you will then want to determine if you should create the course yourself. Now, if you're unfamiliar with the topic and do not feel comfortable with the quality of your own writing, you will want to hire a ghostwriter to complete the e-course for you. You can do this by soliciting a skilled professional on http://www.elance.com or http://www.guru.com. Clearly describe what you want in the course and which sources you would like them to use for reference information. This will help you to determine whether or not they are borrowing material directly from sources; it will also ensure that you get exactly what you are looking for.

Now, if you want to create your own e-course, you can simply research the information on the given topic, break it up into 5-7 articles; and then write those articles yourself. Once you have completed those steps, all you will have left to do is load the course into your autoresponder, setup an opt-in form, and then begin driving traffic to it.

When creating the course, there are a number of important things to keep in mind. Perhaps most important of all, you will want to determine how you are going to monetize your e-course and whether or not that method will be effective.

I personally suggest that you choose from one of these forms of monetization: 1) put the actual course on your site, send out links to it in emails, and put Adsense ads in and around the course; 2) sell advertising space in the course; 3) scatter affiliate links throughout the course in appropriate places; or 3) sell nothing throughout the entire course; at the end of the course, attempt to upsell the reader with some special offer.

Regardless of how much experience you have writing or working with autoresponders, you can create an e-course on any subject; and, in doing so, you can drastically increase your conversion rates.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at:

17 October 2007

Top 10 Tips for Using Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising has completely revolutionized how advertising is done over the Internet. No longer must advertisers purchase banners or text link ads on sites for a flat rate per month, but with virtually no guaranteed results (not even a guarantee of a click); instead, they can purchase “pay per click” advertising through a massive contextual ad server service, such as Google Adwords.

Now, with this new ability to advertise effectively comes several responsibilities: in order to use it correctly, you must understand how it works. You can't simply purchase the top right corner of a site for a flat rate per month. Below, I've included 10 important tips for PPC advertising:

1.Actually browse through sites that serve your advertisements. Eliminate those that are low quality or that are likely to inflate the price of advertising by giving you too many clicks per 1000 views.

2.Remember to always determine whether or not it is cost effective to advertise on contextual ad networks; or whether you should restrict your pay-per-click advertisements to the search engine itself.

3. Use “day parting” features to determine when your advertisements will and wont be shown. If, for instance, you find that at certain times during the day, you get a lot of clicks, but none are serious buyers, you may want to remove your days from that period of time.

4. Use the statistics program on whichever pay-per-click advertising program you are using to determine the effectiveness of ads. If ads are not effective (or are too effective), replace them with something else.

5. Test and refine your ads until you have the best possible advertisement (i.e. one that pulls visitors, but not visitors that don't buy).

6.Determine how many clicks you can afford to pay for per sale. You should be able to mathematically determine the optimal price per click.

7. Use Google Adword's keyword tool feature to search for additional keywords to use in your campaigns. The more you have, the more traffic you will pull.

8. Remember to segment each campaign into a list of keywords and an advertisement that matches that list. The smaller the list of keywords, the more narrowly focused the advertisement can be, making it more effective

9. Remove keywords from your campaigns that are not cost effective. Many keywords will pull searches, but will end up decreasing your click through rate or not converting to sales after someone clicks through.

10. Use negative keywords to prevent freebie seekers from running up your click through count. For instance, get rid of keywords like “free” and “cheap,” unless your product is free or cheap.

Follow each of these ten tips carefully and you will find that using pay per click advertising isn't as hard as it may seem initially.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

16 October 2007

Make Mine an E-book

Everyone is busy. No wonder that headline news and internet banner lines get more attention than serious news magazines. This is a world addicted to information but we want it by I.V., fast and focused. E-books give that kind of fast and focused fix to information junkies.

Using the E-book approach, you can teach almost anything to almost anyone. Don't be fooled by size. Smaller is not less when it comes to a well written E-book. Think of the old example of how to eat an elephant: one bite at a time. That's the genius of the E-book with tightly focused information, one bite at a time.

The E-book is portable in ways that print publisher never considered. You can drag around a huge volume of War and Peace or download an e-book analysis of that classic on your IPod. Which way would you rather study for a literature exam?

For training in business topics, the E-book is right on target. E-books are focused and available on demand. As a new employee needs to learn a technique, it's available on E-book instantly. Colleges and Universities are using more and more E-book texts and supplemental texts. With the high cost of textbooks and their weight (pounds, not profound), E-books are a welcome cost saving for students.

Almost any hobby, sport, craft or pass time you can name makes an ideal subject for E-book. Because E-books are around 30-50 pages, sometimes less, different aspects of the subject can be detailed. Instead of buying a 200 page print book on Gardening, you can get an E-book on topics such as; Herb Gardening in Planter Boxes or Mini-Roses for Victorian Gardens. With E-books, you discover what you want to know without getting more than you need.

You can write an e-book. Yes, you can. Start by finding your "niche" or specialty. What are you passionate about? Do you have a new approach to herb gardening? Did you build a home recording studio with big sound on a bargain budget? Have you found creative ways to recycle old household items? Those ideas are the beginnings of a E-book.

A short book is not a sloppy book. Regardless of size, any book begins with a concept and an outline. The concept is one sentence description of what you have to say. Sales people call it an "elevator speech", a way to present your key idea in 30 seconds or about the time you have to talk with someone in an elevator. Take that concept and develop an outline. Yes, just like your English teacher tried to show you in high school. List 3-5 key points then under each point, summarize what you plan to present. Take that outline and start writing.

Your E-book can be a free gift for visiting your site, available for purchase or packaged to sell to other internet marketers. As an e-book author, you establish yourself as an authority and potentially draw more traffic to your site. Start writing your E-book today!

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

15 October 2007

Kick Starting Your Newsletter

You are just a click away from contact with your clients and prospects by e-newsletter. The savings in postage, printing and sorting for the post office is nothing short of wonderful. And by adding photos and images, your newsletter is a full color, graphically enhanced image of your business with a fraction of the time that paper newsletters require.

Elegant graphics are great, but newsletters are all about NEWS. Make your newsletter a "must read" in everyone's crowded email box by presenting exciting, interesting and boldly presented information.

The Not-So-Hot Newsletter is filled with

* boring product descriptions
* long, rambling paragraphs as dense as a forest
* poor quality photos, without cropping or enhancements
* selling features instead of benefits
* grammar and spelling errors
* sloppy formatting
* "all about me" attitude makes clients wonder how important they are

The Must-Read Newsletter is known to contain:

* brief, dazzling product descriptions that leave the reader wanting to know more
* crisp writing in conversational style
* high quality digital photos
* additional ideas that clients find interesting
* special offers that can only be found by reading the newsletter
* creative ways to use the product or service
* interaction with clients through question/answer column

From this comparison, you can see that an effective e-newsletter starts with planning. A tired and true place to start is to answer the classic news reporter’s questions: who, what, when, where, how, why.

Who is the audience for your e-newsletter? Set up specific criteria for the gender, age, income, interest or other qualities that define your target reader. Knowing these demographics of your reader makes preparing the e-newsletter so much easier.

What is the purpose of your e-newsletter? Your newsletter can sell, inform, take a political or social stand, incite discussion, share hobbies or define you as an expert in your field.

When will you send the newsletter? Preparing a polished newsletter takes time, especially if this is new for you. Start with monthly. Before you take on a weekly newsletter, get in the flow of twice monthly and see if it meets the need. Whatever frequency you choose, let your readers know and be faithful to the promised dates.

Where will you find readers for your e-newsletter? You want to add to your client base by connecting with others online who have similar interests. That means advertising, blogging, sharing mail lists, affiliate links or any means reasonable to find new readers from other sources.

How can you get your newsletter prepared with highest quality? Remember you can find writers, graphic designers and other support services locally or online. You don't need to be a Lone Ranger. Help is available at a wide range of prices.

Why do you need a newsletter? Maybe this needs to be the first question. Don't do it because your competition does. Make your e-newsletter an important communication tool that is as informative and comfortable as chatting with a friend over coffee.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.AureliusTjin.com

14 October 2007

The Power of Affiliate Marketing

If you’ve been around for sometime now on the internet, you would have heard of the term Affiliate or Associate programs. Affiliate programs are programs organized by companies, individuals business owners etc. that allow an individual to earn money known as commissions by just referring people to their website. If they make a purchase, you earn a prearranged percentage of the whole amount of money paid by the client or customer. The beauty of this business is the fact that you do not need so many things like you do in creating your own website and maintaining it. All you need is just an affiliate program directory and the means to market and advertise the products so people can see them and buy.

There are many forms of affiliate marketing and their directories. If you want to look for them yourself, type the keyword “Affiliate marketing programs”, “affiliate programs”, “associate programs”, “referral programs”. Starting with just this list will do for now. On viewing the search page results, you’ll find there are lots of programs like that online. In fact so many they are virtually limitless. This is where your focus now comes into play. What form of market are you interested in? For instance, if you are interested in weight loss, you could type the keywords “weight loss affiliate programs”, “weight loss associate programs” etc.

Fortunately, some directories have already been created to this effect. The following websites are places where you can get lots of affiliate programs. What’s more, it doesn’t cost a dime to join most.

1. http://www.clickbank.com ClickBank
2. http://www.cj.com Commission Junction
3. http://www.shareasale.com Share a Sale.
4. http://www.associateprograms.com. Associate Programs.

These are just a few of the databases you can find containing thousands upon thousands of affiliate programs. There are different types of affiliate programs:

1-tier affiliate program:

In this situation, all you do is earn commissions from just one transaction. So, if the visitor you directed to the website buys as a result of your directing him, you’ll earn from him only once. If he is supposed to be paying a monthly fee, the affiliate marketer will only make money just once after which every other sales made by the individual he referred to the merchant wont earn him any money. Most products currently selling belong to this group and usually sell just once to the consumer.

2-tier Affiliate Program

Unlike the one-tier program where an affiliate earns just one time, you could make your commissions twice usually from someone who signed up to be an affiliate through your recommendations.

Lifetime Affiliate Program

This type of affiliate program is the type that produces what is called residual income. All an affiliate marketer has to do is sign the customer up once, and as long as the customer keeps paying the affiliate gets a cut of the money.

In truth, affiliate marketing is a very easy way of making money. You do not need a website to make any money. All you may need is just a blog which you might decide to leave hosted on the blog service’s host and getting the product in the face of consumers who will be interested in what you are offering them.

11 October 2007

Using Blogs to Make Money

There are a number of different ways in which you can use blogs to make money. Some blog owners constantly put up content-intensive, frequently-updated material; whereas others simply add a new post every once in a while. Both models can work reasonably well at generating revenue.

Let's look at the first model and what is required: in order to make money with a high quality blog, you will want to generate most of your traffic through word of mouth recommendation, rather than through search engine optimization, which will not give you any benefits for producing superior material. This means that you will want to promote your blog through different avenues.

I personally suggest that you consider two different avenues: 1) using social bookmarking sites to gain steam; and 2) promoting on forums.

Doing well with the first option entails creating something that is legitimately interesting; and then facilitating its circulation by submitting that page to social bookmarking sites, such as http://del.icio.us and http://www.digg.com. Additionally, on your blog, post a link that brings users to a social bookmarking site on which they can vote for your video or whatever it is you created. The more who vote on your blog, the better that blog post will rank on the social bookmarking system, increasing the amount of people who read your blog.

Now, if you prefer to take a different approach – to create multiple profitable, but low-maintenance blogs – you can simply create a blog and purchase information for it. For instance, you could setup a blog about dieting; and then purchase a set of 15 articles from a ghostwriter. Every 3-4 days, you could post a new article about dieting. Once you have a blog running, you can then move to the next one while you wait for the first to begin getting search again traffic.

With this method, you will want to get natural search engine traffic, rather than referred traffic, as the content you post will be high-quality, but not anything that will elicit some type of viral effect from social bookmarking sites.

Furthermore, when generating traffic, you will want to find ways to recycle it to ensure that your traffic constantly grows in the future.

Last, you will want to figure out how to monetize your blog or blogs. You can do this with advertising, by selling products, or by setting up some type of subscription. I personally suggest that you leave your blog unmonetized until you begin to build a regular base of visitors; however, if you are planning to go the multiple blog route, you may simply want to throw up Adsense ads immediately.

Aurelius Tjin is The Publisher of The 'Unstoppable Internet Marketing' Newsletter With Over 22,000 Readers. Discover His Secret Strategies To Skyrocket Your Internet Marketing Business. To Get Your Free Subscription, Go To http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com