13 July 2008

List Profits Secrets: How to Get Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails and Take Immediate Action. Part 2

In the first issue of these series on Email marketing techniques, we looked at the number 1 technique that you can use in creating magnetic headlines, bound to get your subscribers clicking through. In this second part, we’ll be looking at an equally important part of the whole:

I’ll teach how you to personally achieve those results. Getting your subscribers to click through and read your email is not just enough. Its good if they have a hint, which draws them in. But nothing, and I repeat nothing, sells faster and makes more impact than a “How I Did It” story.

Have you ever done something and had people asking you how you did it? This does not mean that you have to cook up a story. If you have not achieved those results, then in my opinion, do not bother to teach it. It would simply portray you as someone who does not “walk the talk”. If you absolutely have to do it, get someone who has done it themselves. Interview him and either get it transcribed into a PDF format or let subscribers download the call in mp3 format or on their IPods.

This simple procedure instills in your subscribers the confidence that if you can do it, they can too. Nothing speaks better than personal results. It works like magic. Because people are always asking questions like, “How did you make so many sales? How did you lose so much weight? How did you learn how to speak so well in public? How did you get to achieve so much in such a short period?”

You see, that’s why books and reports depicting “How I did so and so” sell like crazy. People want to tap from the direct knowledge source and experience. There is the assurance that the learning curve is faster and the mistakes can be avoided. If you’ve read Marlon Sander’s book on how she grossed over $500,000 in a year, you’ll see a typical example of this concept put to work. The reason her e-book sold was because of the first-hand experience and knowledge she was promising to give out.

Everyone desires results. That is why titles like “How I lost 20kg in 3 months”, “How I made $15,000 in 25 days”, “How I learned public speaking in 3 months” etc. will always be bestsellers and attention-grabbers. Everyone wants to not only hear success stories, but to see how it can be applied to their lives.

At least you can see that I really practice what I teach because you are still here. The title I used is what drew you in and is still what is keeping you reading. Learn how to use the power of personal experiences. If you do not have any, go get an experience or invite someone who has an experience to share it with you. Then share it with your subscribers. I have seen this particular method work like crazy and draw in so many sales.

In the last and final part, you’ll find the last straw that will get you floods of sales and responses from your email marketing campaigns.

Remember today’s lesson: Teach how you personally achieved results.
Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

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