27 June 2008

3 Ways to Generate more Profits From Your Subscribers

It is easy to make money from your subscribers. Unfortunately, lots of email marketers are not getting much response.

The number one question asked by most email marketers is “How do I get more response from my lists?”

This question is about the easiest solved. It is just that people are always looking for the harder ways because they think “the harder the technique, the more profits I’ll make”. Wrong. Remember Occam’s razor? You would if you have read the One Minute Millionaire by Robert. G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen.

It simply states that when you have varying solutions to a problem, the simplest solution is always the best. This is simple isn’t it? But most people think it is not possible. So they keep searching for the wrong solutions.

In this article, I’ll explain three simple steps that will increase the profits you make from your list(s).

1. Provide value. Don’t give your subscribers trash. Provide them with high quality content. The reason they subscribed to you is because you know something they don’t and they want to benefit from that. So, fill their needs.

While it is good to have a guest writer occasionally, let your voice be heard. Let people realise the import of what they are learning from you. Give them YOUR own tips, YOUR own advice. You have experience. Share it with them.

Make sure your content is practical. Think “what do I want them to do after reading this?” Your subscribers should be able to come away from the computer thinking about what you said and the possible applications.

If you keep offering them quality content, you are bound to have them waiting for your next edition. The reason subscribers unsubscribe from any list is because they are not getting any value from the marketer. So make it an important factor in your marketing.

You don’t have to send them emails daily. If you do it biweekly, weekly or monthly and offer high quality content, you are bound to get astonishing results.

2. Check to see if your subscribers get your mails. This can be done though it might entail an amount of work.

Simply send them an email and tell them to hit the reply button if they got the mail. This would give you an idea of how many are getting your mails compared to the number of people you sent it to. The idea behind this is simple.

Most marketers miss out a lot on the email campaigns because their subscribers are not getting their mails and therefore, they cannot make any money.

It is amazing but statistics have shown that about 10% of the total number of people on your list gets your mails. That leaves out 90%! Gross isn’t it?

3. Send offers. Obvious technique; few practitioners.

Marketers are usually scared they will lose their subscribers if they send them offers. Wrong. They subscribed because they felt they could get high value from you and trust you over time. If they can trust you, then it means you can provide them with high quality resources.

Over 90% are not exploring this avenue. So, if you want to increase your income, explore this avenue. This will put you on the top moneymaking 10%.

Let’s recap:

1. Provide value
2. Check to see they got our mails
3. Send them genuine practicable offers.

Practice these three techniques, and you are bound to smile more frequently to the bank.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

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