12 November 2007

How To Make More Money Than Your Competition Using Reprint Rights Products They Also Sell - Part 2

In the first edition of this three-part series, you learned part of what sets out successful reprint rights sellers from the every day marketer. Today, you’ll find out how you can incite your visitors to buy from you instead of from any other fellow offering the same products as you do.

So what sets the higher earning reprint rights, resell rights, or private label marketers from any other ones? It’s using the power and advantage of higher and better bonuses or incentives. Most people would readily fork out their money and whip out the credit cards if you offer a higher perceived bonus with your product. A typical example is this: If you want to buy a new pair of shoes and you were walking through a line of stores all selling shoes, each quality at the same price, you would be undecided as to which to buy from, wouldn’t you?

Now, imagine that as you are strolling down the street, you find a shop with an added offer that says “for every pair of shoe you pick up today, we’ll throw in two cans of shoe polish and one shoe shiner. Which do you think you’d immediately check out their offer and likely purchase from them? Would it be the one with the normal offers or the store with the added bonus of shoe polish and shiner? I could bet you’d opt for the one with offer of shoes polish. You see what I mean?? As humans, it is in our nature to look out for that which looks like it give us more benefit. Or why do you think the girls would flock around a guy with money and guts than an ordinary guy who’s just trying to make ends meet?

It just goes on to show that we are all looking for a better offer. Unconscious, though it may be, the desire is still there. Learn this lesson today: the individual who offers a little more than the rest will stand out from the crowd. After all what is the meaning of extraordinary? It’s the five letter word “extra” that makes the word “ordinary” extraordinary. Examples of such extra treatment can be free consultation by email, free phone consultation, free high quality ebook or software, free access to a highly valued membership site etc. I remember seeing this offer when I purchased a product from Joel Christopher on list building. For just picking up the membership, he offered access to one of his sites that I think costs $97.

As soon as I saw it, I rushed to pick up the products. The thing is I would not have bought the product from him regardless of how convincing his salesletter was. Why? No it’s not what you think. Joel Christopher is a very nice person. I don’t have any beefs with him. The thing is, I had purchased quite a number of materials on List Building and Growing your Lists Dramatically. So I wasn’t going to buy another until I was through with all I had learned. But as soon as I saw that bonus, I had no choice as I had been looking forward to buying it in the nearest future. That little incentive got him a lifetime customer. Lean from this tactic and use it. You can boost your product value with highly valued bonuses and incentives - Jimmy Brown calls this Incentive Marketing- and you WILL make more money than your competition.

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