25 October 2007

How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website - Part 1

For a long time now, article marketing has been useful in helping people drive lots of traffic to their websites. Unfortunately, many people do not think they can write very good article pieces and as a result, most of them give up. Article marketing can be hectic in the sense that you have to consistently write articles to meet the demands that are needed by those who may need your information.

Article marketing requires a lot of research and knowledge. If not, you’ll end up turning out garbage like most articles out on the internet. There are two major ways of writing your articles. You could either decide to write yourself or outsource –contract it to another person. Writing takes a lot of patience. If you have not been writing prior to this time, it will only take you 1 hour of practice every day for the next 1 month to become pretty good at it. All you need is the ability to gather your thoughts together and put them down on paper.

If you do not want to write by yourself, outsource your article contracts. For a little amount of money –say between $10-$15 depending on the length of the article- you could get article writers to write your articles for you and have them pass on all the rights to you. Whether you want to write by yourself or outsource, the best way to approach writing articles is by doing your research. You need to know what questions people are asking as you do not want to deal with issues that have been overflogged already.

Articles that are specific usually get a lot more high quality traffic than a generalized one. For example, if you wrote an article on autoresponders, you may get traffic but may not make any sales. But if you wrote an article on a topic like “How to make money using your autoresponder”, “How to suck in cash every time you send an email to your subscribers” etc., you’ll find people will readily listen. Reason? You are providing a specified content, giving high quality information and more importantly, answering a question that many people are asking. A typical example is this article you are reading. I could have titled it “Article writing: A general Overview”. Some people would sure take a look at what I have written just for looking sakes. But with the topic, “How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website,” you are bound to click through. Why? Because there is promise of my solving your traffic needs with the information in the article. Now, assuming I have a website at the end of this article with the title: “Article writing: A general Overview” or one with the title: “How to Use Simple Written Articles to Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Website,” which would you more likely click? Yeah, this one because I could solve your traffic generation or website promotion problems.

So, your article should be very highly targeted to the audience who would need the information you will be passing across to them. In the Part 2 of these series, you’ll find out the various techniques you can use in writing highly needed articles and generate lots of traffic from it.

Remember today’s lesson: Research the market, field, niche, or topic properly so you can know what questions people are asking and then solve it through your article.

Visit Aurelius Tjin's Official Profits Blog at: http://www.UnstoppableInternetMarketing.com

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